" Desk Job puts you squarely in the driver’s seat at Aperture Science. "Lower your expectations: This is not a sequel to Portal," it cautions, reading more like a hostage negotiation than a description for a video game. Hilariously, the game's Steam description contains several pleas for fans to abandon any high hopes before playing this extended universe title. While eager to jump-start your bright future climbing up the corporate ladder, though, everything is not as hunky-dory as it first seems. You begin as a starry-eyed, entry-level employee of the game's eponymous and cheerily dystopic corporation (which sorta kinda probably accidentally brought about the apocalypse), Aperture Science.

Instead of a long-awaited follow-up to the iconic puzzle game, Aperture Desk Job is characterized as a "walking simulator" (Opens in a new tab) and playable short. BUT (isn't there always a "but" when it comes to long-awaited continuations of Valve games?), as the description on Steam emphasizes in bolded capital letters, it is " Not Portal 3!" Just as Steam Deck pre-orders started going out, Valve dropped a surprise trailer for Aperture Desk Job (Opens in a new tab), a free Steam Deck game that's coming on March 1 and is set within the world of Portal. Portal fans, rejoice - or rather, bask in the mixed feelings of a new game set in the beloved franchise's universe that isn't at all what you've been clamoring for over the past decade.

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